All About Daisies – History, Meaning, Facts, Care & More

All about Daisies

You may have found these plants on your walks through the park or visits to the florist. These flowers are very well known and look like long stems of white flowers. Which is the most common color they come in? They belong to the family Asteraceae and these flowers are closely related to artichoke and arnica. There are actually up to 4000 different species of daisies. They can survive in both dry and wet environments. They are loved and known attractive for their simple beauty.

  • History

These flowers existed long ago, even during the Egyptian periods. They were planted and grown in Egyptian temple gardens and were often cultivated for their medicinal and herbal properties. Like many other flowers, a daisy has a lot of medicinal property that are still used today.  The name itself came from the term “day’s eye” which refer to the fact that daisies were used to cure eye problems.


  • Meaning

Aside from its origin which means ‘day’s eye’ the daisy flower, in the language of flowers, symbolizes innocence and purity. They are also known to represent new beginnings which is why they are often found in flower arrangements or hand bouquets that are given to new mothers.


They also represent true love because the flower itself is made up of two flowers that have bonded together to create one perfect one. And in some cases, these flowers also mean that the person who gave it is a secret keeper.

  • Facts about Daisies

There are a lot of interesting facts with regard to this flower that not a lot of people know about. These flowers can grow up to 4 feet in height, depending on the species. They are composed of a composite flower that consists of a large number of small flowers called florets. There are two types of florets that make up the daisy flower and that is the ray florets and the disk florets, which are the small flowers you find in the middle of the ray florets, which are the petal-like flowers.


Other fun fact to consider is the name from which it originated. Which was from Anglo Saxon ‘daes eage’ which means ‘day’s eyes’. Aside from it having cures for eye problems, the flower opens at dawn and closes at night.


This flower is also a rich source of vitamin C and has a pleasant taste to it. They are often used for salads, soups and even sandwiches. This flower is also known as a biennial plant which means they only have up to two years to live.


  • How to care for your Daisies

Daisies are generally easy to care for and they add a vibrant splash of colors to your landscape, gardens or homes. You can learn to plant them indoors and outdoors. The tips and things to remember are easy to follow and sooner or later you would have blooming daisies around you to brighten up yours or anyone else’s day.

Daisies tend to grow in a variety of conditions so do not stress about the details.


  1. Indoor or Outdoor?

  • You have to decide where you want to plant the daisies. Something to keep in mind is that you can buy transplants to help them grow the same year or if you plant them on the ground, they tend to grow on their second year.
  1. Plan

  • Like any other flower, these plants cannot survive the frost especially when they are still in a weaker state. Make sure to plant them during spring so that they would be strong enough to survive the frost when the frost. If your country does not have the four seasons, then you can plant at any day you want as long as you take care of them harder during the summer.
  1. Clear the ground

  • It is only natural for you to clear the space around your daisy seedlings to avoid anything else from getting the nutrients meant for them. Daisies do not like it if it is too crowded, but they can survive in poor or normal soil. Although cultivated and fertilized soil will surely help them thrive better.
  1. Water

  • Once you planted them, you need to water them immediately because they need to be kept moist. Water your daisies when you feel like the soil has gotten dry or looks dry.


Those are just simple tips to keep in mind to get you started on growing your own daisies. Like other plants, you need to be consistent in taking care of your Gerbera daisies are they can die or get infected by parasites easily and sometimes that could lead to the whole lot getting infected. Make sure you keep the ground around your daisies clear of weeds. Weeds can starve your daisies of nutrients and would slow their growth. Not only that but they can also kill your daisies if you do not clear them or manage them well.

Always keep in mind that daisies are living things and would need enough food, nutrients from the sun and the soil, to live and grow. It would take some time before you can see the outcome, but the end would be worth it when you see the ground spurting out some vibrant and bright colored daisies to add beauty and charm around your yard or garden or even inside your house.

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